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Reasons Why to Install Your Artificial Lawn in Autumn

Posted: 28/08/2020

Artificial Lawn in Autumn
You might be thinking the summer is almost over and you’ve missed your opportunity to transform your garden and update your lawn. Well, let me tell you – it’s not true! In fact, there are plenty of reasons to install artificial grass before the year is up...

1. Crazy growing!

As the summer this year has been particularly hot, the chances are your grass will go crazy at the slightest bit of rain. Grass guzzles up water like nobody’s business and if your grass is growing it means you have to spend more time cutting. And who’s got time for that with work, the school run and all sorts going on? Artificial grass eliminates the need for cutting or transporting clippings.

2. Drowned grass!

Lots of rain can also make your lawn waterlogged, a particular problem if you have non-porous soil that’s mostly clay, or particularly muddy if there’s a very patchy layer of grass. Drowned or soggy grass can be a real nightmare to try and bring back to life, and artificial grass can save you some trouble. The grass also has a porous backing which allows the water to pass from surface to sub-base, this sub-base consists of an aggregate layer of limestone and a layer of grano dust which may make drainage easier in the future.

3. Sports Season!

Plenty of sport goes on in the Autumn and Winter months. Hopefully we will see some of it coming on this year, but it might be that you’re feeling inspired or your kids want to get more involved with sports at school. Artificial grass means your lawn can be used without fear of making a muddy mess and can be used for practice all year round.

4. Dirty pets!

If you’re fed up of your pets getting dirty every time they go outside fake grass is a great solution. At the same time it makes a soft, fun environment to play on during the cold, winter months. Having a garden they can roll around on can cheer up any animal during the cold season. Just think of it as a luxurious outdoor carpet you can both enjoy.

... for more reasons read on here:
Great article from: Trulawn, UK

Our experienced and passionate team at Class Grass are happy to advise you on the best solution for your garden. We not only supply and fit natural-looking artificial grasses but also offer a complete design and landscaping service including planning and installing of patios, walls and flower beds and fencing.
Over the last 10 years our team has built an formidable reputation for quality craftsmanship, offering premium products and the highest standards of customer service.

Get your free samples or get in touch today for your free quote.
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